See also my profile on ResearchGate or GoogleScholar.
Design and evaluation of postural interactions between Users and a virtual agent during a simulated job interview.
D. Gomez, T. Giraud, B. Isableu, J.C Martin. Computer Animation and Virtual Worlds.
Interacting with a virtual fitness coach: the key role of movement expressivity.
F. Focone, T. Giraud, B. Isableu, J.C Martin, V. Demulier. Transactions on Applied Perception.
Alexithymia and self-construals as determinants of empathic responding dispositions: a path analysis.
T. Giraud, D. Gibas, C. Le Scanff, J.C Martin, B. Isableu. Current Psychology.
Impact of elicited mood on movement expressivity during a fitness task. -pdf-
T. Giraud, F. Focone, V. Demulier, J.C Martin, B. Isableu. Human Movement Science 49, p9–26, 2016 (HMS). doi:10.1016/j.humov.2016.05.009.
Predicting a Failure of Public Speaking Performance Using Multidimensional Assessment. -pdf-
J. Hua, E. Filaire, T. Giraud, D.A. Gomez Jauregui, M. Soury, J.C Martin, L. Devillers, C. Le Scanff. Journal of Sports Science 4, p197-209, 2016 (JSS). doi: 10.17265/2332-7839/2016.04.003.
Attempt to validate the Self-Construal Scale in French: Systematic approach and model limitation.-pdf-
D. Gibas, T. Giraud, J. Le Conte, L. Rubens, J.C. Martin, B. Isableu. European Review of Applied Psychology 66(2), p85-93, 2016 (ERAP). doi:10.1016/j.erap.2016.02.001.
Emotion and personality perception through full body movement qualities: a sport coach case study. -pdf-
T. Giraud, F. Focone, V. Demulier, J.C Martin, B. Isableu. ACM Transactions on Applied Perception 13 (1): 2:1–2:27, 2015 (TAP). doi:10.1145/2791294.
A three-dimensional mirror augmented by medical imaging: Questioning self-portraying at the limit of intimacy. -pdf-
T. Giraud, M. Courgeon, M. Tardieux, A. Roatis, and X. Maître. CHI ’14 Extended Abstracts (Alt.Chi), 845–54. New York, NY, USA: ACM. doi:10.1145/2559206.2578876.
A Database of Full Body Virtual Interactions Annotated with Expressivity Scores. -pdf-
V. Demulier, E. Bevacqua, F. Focone, T. Giraud, P. Carreno, B. Isableu, S. Gibet, P. De Loor and J.C. Martin. Language Resources and Evaluation Conference 2013 (LREC’14).
Multimodal Expressions of Stress during a Public Speaking Task. -pdf-
T. Giraud, M. Soury, J. Hua, A. Delaborde, M. Tahon, D.A. Gómez Jáuregui, V. Eyharabide, E. Filaire, C.Le Scanff, L. Devillers, B. Isableu, J.C. Martin. Humaine Association Conference on Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction (ACII‘13), 417–22. doi:10.1109/ACII.2013.75.
Assessing Postural Control for Affect Recognition Using Video and Force Plates. -pdf-
T. Giraud, D.A. Gomez, J. Hua, B. Isableu, E. Filaire, C. Le Scanff and J.C. Martin. Humaine Association Conference on Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction (ACII’13), 109–15. doi:10.1109/ACII.2013.25.
“It” + “I”: Virtual Embodiments as Hybrid Experiences. -pdf-
T. Giraud, L. Leroy and A. Paljic. 5th Joint Virtual Reality Conference, 91–94. JVRC ’13. Aire-la-Ville, Switzerland, Switzerland: Eurographics Association. doi:10.2312/EGVE.JVRC13.091-094.
Challenging the Place through Participation: Reflections from Working with Visually Impaired Persons. -pdf-
M. Tixier, I. Di Loreto, F. Champigny, T. Giraud, K. Lan, D. Voilmy. Workshop EDTPD at Communities & Technologies’17.
Motions and Experiences in a Multiuser Interactive Installation: Towards an Embodied Account of Visitors’ Journey. -pdf-
T. Giraud, M. Courgeon, M. Gouiffès, M. Bertier, A. de Mengin and X. Maître. International Symposium On Movement & Computing, July 05-07, 2016 (MOCO’16), Thessaloniki, GA, Greece. DOI:
Toward an Expressive Virtual Coach: Fitness Movements in Emotional and Motivational Contexts. -pdf-
T. Giraud, F. Focone, B. Isableu, J.C Martin, V. Demulier. CHI ’14 Extended Abstracts, Workshop HCI & Sports – Toronto.
A protocol for studying the impact of positive vs. negative emotions on a predefined sequence of full-body movements. -pdf-
T. Giraud, F. Focone, V. Demulier, B. Isableu, J.C Martin. Consortium of European Research on Emotion Conference – Berlin 2014 (CERE’14).
Miroir 3D augmenté par imagerie médicale: la perception de soi en question. -pdf-
M. Courgeon, T. Giraud, M. Tardieux, A. Roatis, and X. Maître. 27eme conférence francophone de l’interaction homme-machine – Toulouse – octobre 2015 (IHM’15).
Latence de la synchronie dans une tâche de fitness: exploration de l’influence des traits de personnalité. -pdf-
T. Giraud, F. Focone, V. Demulier, J.C Martin, B. Isableu. 16ème Congrès International de l’Association des Chercheurs en Activités Physiques et Sportives – Nantes – octobre 2015 (ACAPS’15).
Evaluation d’un outil low-cost pour le recueil de données cinématiques par l’analyse fréquentielle du signal de l’articulation du genou. –pdf-
F. Focone, T. Giraud, V. Demulier, J.C Martin, C. Le Scanff, B. Isableu. 15ème Congrès International de l’Association des Chercheurs en Activités Physiques et Sportives – Grenoble – octobre 2013 (ACAPS’13).
Analyse et modélisation de l’interaction corporelle dans le cadre d’un entretien d’embauche. -pdf-
T. Giraud, J.C Martin, B. Isableu. Groupe de Travail “Affects, Compagnons Artificiels et Interactions” – Paris – Juin 2015 (GT ACAI’15).